My thanks firstly goes to my parents Erika and Alexander (sen.) Werner who have always supported me unconditionally. I also want to thank my brother Walter Werner for helping me with the website's programming and for introducing me to the fascinating world of Open Source Software. Furthermore I'd like to thank Cathy Fox from Bristol, England, for her neverending help and for buying my electronic piano (Roland RD-170) on which I have played all of my previous music. Many thanks also go to my former piano teachers, Mrs. Kunzmann and Mr. Hubert from Bayreuth, Germany, as well as to my former art teacher in school, Mr. Bethe (GCE school Bayreuth, Germany) and to the center of arts IBKK in Bochum, Germany.
I am proud to having met the early Gladiatores Swordfighting Team in Karlsruhe, Germany (that is Sven and Anette Baumgarten, Alfonso D'Avanzo, Johannes Pelzer, Markus Koelblin, Dirk Potthast und Frank Aupperle), whose projects have inspired me to produce some of my best pieces of art so far. Next I would like to thank every kind visitor from the internet who has shown interest in my works. And lastly I want to express my humble respect towards everyone in the worldwide Open Source community out there, without whose dedication my work would be far more expensive and troublesome, if not impossible.
Alexander Werner jr.