How to correctly stress every Spanish word
(In only three simple steps, aye!)

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Step One:

Does the word have a sharp accent (For example: "lámpara")?
If there is one, then you stress the word on the syllable containing the accent.

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Description (pirate)

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Description (landlubber)

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lámpara (lamp)

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Capitán (Captain)

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chimpan (chimpanzee)

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círculo (circle)

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kimetro (kilometer)

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océano (ocean)

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But if the word has no accent, then what is there to do? Take the next step:

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Avast, matey! Before ye continue...did ye know that:

VOWELS are the following letters:
A, E, I, O, U, Y

CONSONANTS are these here letters:
B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Z

Ye did know that already ye say, smartypants? Alright, just makin' sure, ey? Now ye're good to go on to the next step!

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Step Two:

Is the last letter of the word a consonant, except for "n" and "s"?
For example: "tempestad" (which ends in the consonant "d").
Then you stress that word on the last syllable.

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Description (pirate)

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Description (landlubber)

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tempestad (storm)

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arroz (rice)

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defender (to defend)

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español (Spanish)

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chucrut (sour kraut)

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But what if that is not the case? Then take the third and final step:

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Step Three:

Is the last letter of the word a vowel? Or is it one of the consonants "n" or "s"?
For example: "moneda" (which ends in the vowel "a").
Then you stress the word on the next-to-last syllable.

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Description (pirate)

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Description (landlubber)

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moneda (coin)

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chocolate (chocolate)

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chaleco (vest)

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guisantes (peas)

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pantalones (trousers)

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That's all! If you keep practicing these steps over and over again while reading Spanish words and sentences, you will be able to stress every word correctly very soon.

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